Flutter Vs React Native

What is Flutter?
Flutter is an open source platform built by Google, firstly introduced on May 2017 at GoogleIO. It was quite impressive to see such platform by google and easy to build cross platform application.
It uses Dart which is introduced by google by 2011. Dart is quite trending now as it is quite simple to use. Initial learning curve is there but after that it’s quite good language to use.
What is React Native (RN)?
React Native is an open source platform built by Facebook. React Native firstly introduced to on March 2015. React native become very popular recently. React native been here a long time because of this it’s become quite stable and first choice for many developers.
RN uses Javascript and go along with quite easy for app development. As react is used as framework in react native. As javascript is used widely by web community, react native is quite easy to learn and to create apps.
This is something you would love to know more about native and hybrid app development.
Why we should go for Flutter?
Google Flutter has quite an impact with developer community as its growing. As it shows steady increase in apps published last 2 months. As flutter give good native experience than other platform it show good user experience.
Pros :
- Speedy Coding
It allowed developers to write code for functionality with very ease. As technology progresses, writing bulky code is not necessary for developers. Flutter take it next level, UI designing and callbacks are handled gracefully.
- Good Native Experience
As its cross platform framework, it will be reviewed for the native experience. Till now flutter has very nice native experience. You don’t feel any change in experience in both native android and flutter. As it can be called as best tool to make MVP.
- Good backward compatibility
UI experience in flutter is quite same for older version of the android. So UI rendering is the same as the new version of the android.
- Realtime Screen Render
This was not new for many app development platform. Still UI rendering is quite better than others. You can check your updates on screen in realtime. For seasonal android developer will know how difficult it is to see updates on screen and rebuild it to phone every time.
Cons :
- Libraries
As flutter is quite new, open source community members yet to create new libraries for multiple scenarios. There are some common libraries which are not available in flutter as its relatively new than other platforms. As we move ahead, we might see new libraries to be published by the end of year 2020.
- CI/CD support
There is quite few support available for CI/CD. Travis and Jenkins can support flutter; still it’s not like the native android support. It might need to update this year. As Flutter will go to mainstream for development for many enterprises as well as startup, CI/CD support will dramatically increase.
- Developers
There are very few developers which are working on flutter. As it recently launch. But as new libraries and features are updated developers will try to work on it. RIght now there will be less developer available for taking up development for flutter.
Why we should go for React Native?
React native can always count as one of the realiabel mobile app framework for cross platform app development. React native developer community is quite vast and developers as well as product owner love it.
- Time and cost efficiency
As its cross platform; it saves time as well as cost, moreover react native helps developer to build app quicker than other most of the platform. As product owner react natvie helps developer to achieve reliability and performance.
- Quick Build
Framework has ready to use component which helps build app quickly. As its built in javascript, developer can use verify NPM packages which accelerate development.
- Target multiple platform
You can build android, iOS as well as web in react. You can utilize react platform in various ways. We can target multiple platform app development and release cycle reduce drastically.
- Native Look
It has quite similar look as native build. We can say it is quite close than other hybrid platform. If you see the popularity of the react developer because of native build feature.
- Smaller team
It need small team than native development. As it used Javascript, we don’t need big team to support application development. As every developer understand issues and bugs in javascript development.
- Navigation issue
Maintain state of the application is still a challenge for the developers. As many developers are working on this there is quite a possibility to solve this issue soon
- Native developers
We need native developers for hardware components. We need native component to build some features.
- Documentation
React native still have less documentation than needed. As there are tutorial and document available online. Documentation is outdated sometimes for the latest version update.
Important question, which one is better?
Time! We need to wait to decide which one is better. If you understand the idea and you know your business model then you should go for react native. Because React is very reliable it’s always a good choice to go with this. Flutter is more fit for the POC and MVP application. As app can build in flutter quite faster.
As this question may not have simple answers but Native app development has its own advantage
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